Friday 27 December 2013

Sweet Potato Carrot Halwa

Carrot Sweet Potato Halwa Is a unique combination I wanted to try and experiment with! Here is the Result.

I tried to browse if anyone had tried earlier with this combo, but dint find the combined version except for few blogs which had only sweet potato halwa. 

I made up my mind to fuse both the veggies and came up with this version.

The Recipe Goes Same As Low Fats Creamy Gajjar Ka Halwa But little tweaks made here was

1) Addition of Boiled sweet mashed potatoes to equal amount of shredded carrots taken.
2) Its not low fats! Since we are using sweet potato we need 2-4 tablespoon of extra ghee to cook it nicely to bring it to halwa consistency. Very much suitable for winter seasons.

When we cook gajjar ka halwa, Half way is added boiled and mashed sweet potatoes along with the milk and sugar. and proceeded further until the halwa start moving as mass, Addition of dry fruits fried a little in ghee is just awesome. Addition of cardamon powder is very blissful towards the end result

A Very Creamy Halwa Is achieved

Best to be eaten when in room temperature. When consumed hot or warm u cant feel the texture and taste, so it becomes less enjoyable. At room temp you can really feel the mushy potatoes, juicy carrot and crunching dry fruits inside :)

You can further proceed this halwa into making poli / Sweet filling paratha's 

Shredded carrot is complimenting well along with the sweet potato. 
Sugar can be adjusted according to the taste. 

If u want to try something new! I bet Go for this!! Its packed full of energy and taste!!

Sending my recipe to
Cook With Comfort

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Monday 23 December 2013

Instant Kadhi Hyderabadi Style

 Instant Kadhi Or Call It Cold Kadhi Is No Cook Recipe and can be prepared Within 5mins

Waahhh Im Flattered Over The Pic!! This is again a Lovely Guest Post By Uma Aunty! Again She dosent need an introduction at all. Her Previous Guest Post Masoor Dal Pulao With Masala Curd And Masala Papad Is unforgettable! Such a Lovely Spread It was!!

Uma Aunty had Inbox me a month back asking if I can feature Another recipe of her's. Really Glad she did Its Welcome Humbly From Anyone Who thinks my space is worth featuring their articles :)  With pics of what Uma aunty puts up in her fb we can notice such wonderful presentation! I hardly ever took that much time for making presentation! So its all in one treat to get her here!!

Getting back to the recipe Its very simple 

Curd / yogurt - 1 bowl
Little Water
Turneric powder - 1 pinch
Salt - As needed

To Grind
Garlic - 8
Green chillies - 6
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Coriander leaves - 2tbsp
Water - as needed

For Tempering
Oil - 1tsp
Cumin seeds - 1tsp
Mustard seeds - 1tsp
Dry Red Chillies - 2
Curry Leaves - Few
Coriander Leaves - Few to garnish

- Grind the items under the list to grind using little water to fine paste
- Add this paste into curd and whisk well, add little more water to form a thick kadhi consistency.
- Add Salt and turmeric accordingly. And Remove In a bowl

To Temper:
- In a pan add oil , once heated add mustard seeds, followed by cumin seeds, dry chillies and curry leaves.
- Pour this tempering into the bowl of curd with spices And serve it Cold in room temp as it is.
- Ready To Serve With Rice And Roti

- Do not Boil The Curd
- Keep the consistency thick
- It keeps well for 2 days in refrigerator

 Thank you aunty for such a wonderful quicky recipe to enjoy!!

Feel Free To Leave Ur Feedbacks
Stay Tuned For More Updates

Till then bubye 

Sending my recipe to
Cook With comfort

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Saturday 21 December 2013

Banoffee Mash Up

Banoffee Is An Elegant Irish Dessert! So Simple To Try But Yet Today Im Here With My Own Version.

I always Come up with my own versions! I dont know If this is a plus point from my side or minus point. Well Anyways its always gud to sail in the ship as wind blows :)

I wanted to try this from long time and SWC brought this out in this months challenge!

Before Starting With the method! I would love to share my experience Working with Dulce de Leche its nothing but caramelized condensed milk. 
Its a very simple task to pressure cook the can of condensed milk for 45-50 mins and you are done! But I had some issues with can its opening was too small coz i was using 200gms tin, I really dint notice until I started working with it! opening was too small and caramelized condensed milk was so thick to remove. I 1st started to make it as a pie but since the dulce de leche was too thick and not spreadable I gave up! and came out with something totally different as base.

Severs -4
Serving in individual bowls is better than serving in glass of such kinds, I used Glass solely for presentation purpose.
Marie Biscuits - 1 pack Ground into fine powder
Melted Butter- 2-3 tablespoon
Sugar - 1tsp
Whipped Cream - 1 cup
Bananas - 2 Cut into disc
Oranges - Few Oranges Segment Removed
Toffee sauce / dulce de leche - 1/2 of 1 can

- Mix crumbs of Marie biscuits and melted butter in a bowl and put them equally into serving glasses, Press it using a spoon and keep it in refrigerator till set.
- Dilute Dulce De Leche with hot milk and get it to sauce consistency, Pour it over the base.
- Next Arrange banana, then top with whipping cream, Next add orange segments and again top with whipping cream.
- Garnish with chocolate shavings and chill it for an hr, or refrigerate until served!

- The Whole dessert was really very yummy!
- The Base was seem to be too sweet for our taste, as dulce de leche was caramelized and seem to give richer and heavier taste. It was difficult for use to take up so much of sweetness in a spoon.
 Next Time I would Just replace it with Toffee custard for lighter version may be :)
- The Idea of adding Orange segments was a creativity from my side. Since the whole thing was so sweet I decided to add little tang and accommodate with the dessert, It Really Worked Like Charm!!
- The Whole dessert was really impressive and we have enjoyed eating every bit of it which was totally worth a try and a little struggle With Dulce De Leche. By the way, every struggle gives us fruitful labour dosent it??? :)

If Making Dulce De Leche Is your Problem Then Kick IT!!!
Try adding little condensed milk to the biscuits crumb and melted butter and mix it using fork, Set it as done in step 1 then proceed with further Preparations

Sharing my recipe With  Show Your Styles To the World

Cook With Comfort

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Friday 20 December 2013

Herbs and Spices that Optimize Your Health

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” - Jim Rohn

Thats a lovely line :) Im Feeling So sick with this winter, though it isnt too much but my body immunity isnt able to stand the change of weather, bfr it was prolonged cold and now developing with breathing issues, Ive been slow on blogging and feel nuts over my condition. I have lots of recipes to share and few pending guest posts. I dont know with this speed when shall I finish all. 

Coming back to todays topic, Its all about herbs and spices an articles sent by Tracy Rose She sent me a mail asking me if I would like to feature their guest post. And as usual all bloggers and non-bloggers are invited. She sent me this lovely post written by David Novak. Lets read this very informative post below.

Being healthy should be the number one priority of every individual. It doesn’t only guarantee prolonging our lives, but it also ensures that our physical, social and mental well-being are operating at optimal levels.

If you are looking for a simple and effective way to optimize your health, you really don’t need to look far. Herbs and spices are commonly overlooked as part of our daily diet, and most of us assumes that they are there just for palate improvement. These flavor-enhancers, with their antioxidant contents, promote healthy immune system, improves heart health, supports memory functions, neutralizes substances that cause stress and provides support to our cells against excessive oxidation and free radicals.

Herbs and spices have plenty of health benefits, but still too much of a good thing can be bad, especially if you are taking medications or ongoing treatments, so its always advisable to consult your physician before making any changes in your daily nutrition. Herbs and spices can support our health, but should not be treated as a cure-all or a substitute for medication.  Having said that, there are many endorsements for herbs and spices, particularly because many contain natural chemicals and nutrients that do our body’s good.  Here are some examples:

This mustard-yellow spice is the foundation of most curry dishes. It contains curcumin, a polyphenol known as the active ingredient, which exhibits over 150 potentially therapeutic activities, including anti-cancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric also reduces fat storage and weight gain, and can prevent many chronic diseases associated with obesity. It also supports a healthy skeletal system, particularly the bones and joints.

Cinnamon has numerous benefits. It helps regulate blood-sugar level, lowers cholesterol and is a natural metabolism booster. Cinnamon has natural anti-infective compounds that are effective against ulcer causing H. Pylori bacteria and other pathogens. It’s advisable to have at least one-fourth to half a teaspoon of cinnamon twice a day to optimize its benefits.

Cayenne Pepper
This spice contains a chemical called Capsaicin, which helps in metabolism and weight loss. This chemical is a natural thermogenic that when consumed, it increases heat in your body allowing you to burn more calories. Cayenne also stimulates circulation and blood flow in the skin, which helps reduce fever and relieves colds and congestion.

Ginseng is a nutritious herb that usually grows in cooler climates such as Northern America and eastern Asia. It is a slow-growing perennial plant that is known to be a powerful natural aphrodisiac and tonic. It also acts as a natural metabolism booster and appetite suppressant, which is great for weight control. When it comes to mental well-being, Ginseng can stimulate brain cells resulting in improved concentration and thinking ability.

In several studies, ginger was found to be effective in reducing motion sickness and nausea. It is also known in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. Ginger is also great for those who want to lose weight, since it acts as a natural appetite suppressant, helping you feel full and satisfied for longer periods of time.

Cumin is a spice that can be found as a whole seed or ground.  It’s very popular in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine. This little spice is known to have numerous health benefits from anti-glycation to antioxidant to anti-osteoporotic, and much more. Cumin also helps with digestion and acts as a natural energy booster. It also helps in memory improvement and stress relief.

Garlic is a bulbous plant native to Central Asia. It is well known as a natural health remedy that can treat numerous ailments. It is also recognized as a natural antibiotic and antioxidant. Several studies also show that with garlic supplementation, accumulation of cholesterol has been greatly reduced. It is also a great source of vitamin B6, which is required for a healthy immune system and efficient cell growth.  

Oregano is a perennial herb, which is a staple of Italian-American dishes, but it’s also widely used in Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern cuisines. It is said to have been used by Hippocrates as an antiseptic, as well as for curing intestinal and respiratory ailments. Oregano also contains thymol and carvacrol, two oils which have exceptional bacteria-fighting power.

Rosemary is a perennial herb mostly found in the Mediterranean region. It can be found dried or fresh like most herbs, and has numerous culinary and medicinal uses. Rosemary is said to have the capability to stop gene mutations. It also aids in preventing damage to the blood vessels, which may lead to heart attacks. Rosemary is also used in alleviating muscle pain, boosting immune and the circulatory system, and promotes hair growth.

Sage is an herb native to the Mediterranean region, and can be found fresh or dried. It is used in medicines to help alleviate symptoms of digestive problems and mental conditions. It contains acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting compounds, which are said to reduce Alzheimer's disease symptoms, and with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it combats inflammation that is often linked to cognitive decline.

David Novak’s byline has appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world.  He’s an avid health enthusiast, and frequently is featured in regional and national health publications. He is also a weekly writer for Healthline.  To visit his other stories on Healthline,

 Thanks For such a lovely guest post Would love to get more of such useful guest posts from you in future :)

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Tuesday 17 December 2013

Low Fats Flat Beans Curry Mom's Style

This is a Super Delicious Side Dish For Rice Roti and also Dosa

Seasonal veggies bloom so well during winters, and they taste the best. Among Which Flat beans is available freely in the market these days. Mom makes sure she brings seasonal Fruits and Veggies as and when available. Though I had never shown much interest in what mom cooks, But yea after blogging I make sure I learn from her as well and document it, As I forget things so easily unless and until I myself make it 3-4 times minimum :D

So I was just watching mom as she made, Finally I questioned her, How much gms beans are u using? She gave me a frowned look saying why do u ask in gms? Is it gold? veggies are noted by kg, this is half kg beans, I then said arey mummy Half kg = 500gms. Likewise I cannot stop asking her questions when she is cooking and she gets irritated :P Some of ther actions has no reasons :D hehe

Coming back to the recipe It takes 10mins cooking time only so its a quick fix kind.

Flat beans - 500gms
Moong daal - half cup
Onion - 1 large chopped
Coriander leaves - 2 tbspn
GG paste - 1tsp
Turmeric -  1/4th tsp
Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp heaped
Coriander powder - 1tsp
Tomato - 1 chopped
Salt to taste
Oil - 1tbsp

- In cooker add oil, once it is heated add onion and saute for a min
- Next add ginger garlic paste, all the dry spices, tomatoes and coriander leaves and saute it nicely till it start emmiting nice aroma.
- Now add daal and chopped flat beans + 2cups water and pressure cook for 1 whistle
- Tan ta daaaannn We r Done :)

This is how it looked when I opened the pressure cooker lid after the pressure dropped!! Looks Kool na??? :D

This recipe is so simple I dont have much notes to write but still
- You can always adjust the spices according to your taste.
- In case you find the curry watery, feel free to cook in high flame for 5 more mins till water evaporates.
- Little bit of water is ok, it will get thicken with the daal as it cools down (you can see the 1st pic you can see little water content around the saucer, This was because I clicked the pic as soon as it was cooked!! This water content was absorbed as soon as it cooled down)

This recipe can be made with chicken prawns too. This should be added when we r sauteing onion tomato mixture, before adding daal and flat beans. This will taste more yummier than just veggie. 

If you try out do let us know how it turned for you

Till then Bubye

Yours Loving 

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Cooking With Green
Cook With Comfort

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Sunday 15 December 2013

Chicken Khichda

I started so happily with the preparations only to swear at the middle of the process that Im never going to make this dish again.............. No No n No............. But the end result landed just making me proud that I took efforts to make this.

Ive heard about khichda now and then, and once last year my neighbor had sent us I finished up everything I felt it was yumm, but there was surely few things missing. Since then this was in my backup mind to make it some day or the other. 

So I made up my mind making khichda when I was having mutton meat with me, but dropped the plan coz mom dont like mutton. I switched to chicken and had to wait till I get chicken and other important  ingredients. Finally the day came and mean while I had searched up  an recipe which I could trust on! I studied the working process of this dish in various websites and knew what I have to proceed the recipe like! When I was browsing I came across a website which said Khichda is similar to Haleem and Cousin of Harees and this line really brighten my mood :D

So I was all ready to get set go...............  I leisurely started my work yesterday morning 9am with so many breaks I ended up cooking by 1.30pm Long time isnt it? But its not tiring coz we are not putting much efforts as we do for haleem. It was wholesomely pressure cooking process and lets see how........................ 

Ingredients & Method:

Whole wheat - 100gms
Barley - 200 gms
Moong daal - 1/2 cup heaped
Channa Daal - 1/2 cup heaped
Urad daal - 1/2 cup heaped
Masoor daal - 1/2cup heaped
Salt - 1tsp + 1tsp
Cooking soda - 1tsp

Soak Whole Wheat and Barley together for whole night.
Soak all the lentils together for whole night
After soaking over night it becomes nice and soft

We shall prepare Chicken gravy 1st

Chicken Gravy Preparation:
Chicken 500gms -1kg depending upon availability with bones
Onion paste from 5 medium size onion
Ginger Garlic paste - 2 tsp heaped
Turmeric Powder - 2tsp heaped
Chilli powder - 1tsp level
Coriander powder - 3 tsp heaped
Cumin powder - 1tsp heaped
Salt - 1tsp
Oil - 2-3 tablespoon
Whole spices - 1 cinnamon stick, 4 cardamon, 4 cloves
1 glass of water.

- In pressure cook add oil, once heated add whole spices, onion paste and give a stir.
- Add in ginger garlic paste and mix, add powder spices, salt, chicken and water, mix everything well and pressure cook for 3 - 4 whistles in medium flame. 
- Once done, let the pressure drop. Discard the bones and let small pieces of meat sit in the gravy. I possible also remove the whole spices.

Working With lentils: 
Wash lentils and Pressure cook with enough water and 1/4th tsp salt in low medium flame for 4-5 whistles. Once this is done let the pressure drop. Open the lid and mash up the daals. Remove it in a bowl.

Working With Whole Grains: 
Wash wheat and barley. Pressure cook with enough water 1/4th tsp salt and cooking soda. Let the pressure build in to get 1st whistle, then lower the flame and cook it for 20-30. Put off the flame and allow it to sit till pressure drop. Now mix lentils with the whole grains and mix well. 

Some extra ingredients needed
- Tandoori masala 1tsp heaped (optional)
- 1 inch ginger - Mince
- Coriander Leaves - 1/4th cup
- Mint leaves- 2-3 tbsp
- Ghee - 2-3 tbsp + 1tbsp butter
- Fried Onion out of 6 onions used while serving
- Lemon - used while serving

Making Of Khichda
- In a big pot put in the gravy 1st. Then add the lentil grain porridge mix mix mix, Also if possible use daal masher.
- This mixture will be runny kind, if its thick do add water and make it runny kind. 
- Add tandoori masala, Coriander and mint leaves and then switch on the flame.
- As it get heated keep stirring, or else the mixture will catch the bottom. Use a little energy and muscles hehe 
- Adjust for salt, add ghee and butter and switch of the flame once the mixture gets nicely hot, but still looks runny.
- Close the lid of the pot and allow it to rest for 15-20 mins
That is when the actual cooking by itself will take place.
- When u open the lid u might find the mixture has thicken nicely. Check for salt add more salt if needed

Just before serving:
- Again switch on the flame and add ginger mince, and mix well. keep stirring till u get the porridge consistency.

Remove in a bowl and serve it along fried onions and lemon!

Yummmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyy Khichda Is Ready!!

- Adding ghee and butter gives extra flavor
- Dont miss adding mince ginger as it gives a very gud complement to khichda while eating
- Also fried onion and lemon juice is important to get fine authentic taste.
- Adjust salt and water accordingly when ever needed
- You can reheat it easily but make sure u keep stirring from the bottom, as its prone to stick easily.
- This amount serves almost 8-10 people satisfyingly, or maximum 15!! If you are a small family, please half the recipe and in this case you can pressure cooked grains and lentils together. There will be no need for separate cooking. Making sure enough water is there to maintain the cooking, or it might stick at the bottom of cooker

Behind the scene:
When I mixed whole grains lentil mixture to chicken gravy I was getting aroma of a chicken gravy what mom prepares and I tasted the mixture when It was still in runny state, I was really sad! wondering what to do with such a great quantity of khichda? It was almost half the container of wat mom makes 3-4kg biriyani, Nobody would like it. The taste was no different than gravy which we eat with rice. So many questions running in my mind and I was just swearing to myself never to make it again. I was trying to correct it by adding ghee and tandoori masala, as garam masala was not available with me but a certain kind of aroma was too much dominating as regular chicken gravy, I switched off the flame, all disappointed.

I got online and started Troubling +Monu Well poor thing what would she know hw did the khichda taste like and what alteration can be done, I spent almost 15-20 mins on net trying to find out alternatives.  So finally when I got back to the pot, I saw that extra runny water has been absorbed by the mixture, and the consistency has set as same as porridge. Now as it has absorbed all the flavors, whole grain and lentil mixture with chicken gravy was tasting really awesome. I can now feel the difference, I also made my mom taste and she nodded her head agreeing to my taste :D

I was all joyful Wat a pleasureful moment it was when the whole thing is at the edge of spoiling and sudenly it changes to be so yummy!! So Be careful when u prepare this yummy treat mite trick you as well :)

Plus Points Of This Khichda / Difference between Haleem and Khichda:

- Khichda does not need full attention as Haleem does. Just counts of pressure cooker whistle is enough to track the process.
- Khichda can be prepared with masalas n ingredients available at home itself no spl spices/ flavoring required
- Khichda dont require constant stirring as Haleem does and we dont need a paste kind dish as Haleem. 
- Quantity of Haleem decreases as cooked more and more. And quantity of khichda increases 
- Haleem is so much of meat u can just feel it and has to be like a paste melt in mouth. Khichda has whole grains soft which can be felt while eating and adding of meat can vary 

With whole lot of differences between between these 2 dishes, One can still make out some similarity between both when eaten.

Talking so much about this dish and my 1st experience with it my post has gone long so much :)

But Isnt it Totally worth? Splly for ones who want to try khichda in future for first time :)

Do share your experience and feedbacks

Till then bubye ......

Stay Tuned For More

Yours Loving 

sending my recipe to
Cook with comfort

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Thursday 12 December 2013

A Cup Of Apple Cinnamon Tea In Winters

Weather u see this post in Morning / Evening you are welcome with A cup of Tea

Blogging has changed my views in many ways! Love for food is the biggest asset to successful blogging! I still know many people who love food, but dont like to blog/ type in few words. But for me blogging is become like my dairy where im sharing my thoughts and present emotions! Ok so im assured my recipes and my mini dairy wont be lost, and I dont have to hunt my dairy here and there anymore :)

Like wise Glad to come across so many bloggers around! Lovely people with positive attitude! I never thought in my entire life blogging would get me so many gud people around! Honestly Im a kind who cannot get along much with females around net! May be I was always exposed to wrong kinds! Males r no better though! but there is certain restrictions before interacting with them. Now I am happy to be at right place for right cause!!  No more wrong kinds anymore Ive got best female frnds around me, Though we may or may not talk to each other regularly, but we are connected someway! 

As the days pass by Im meeting new bloggers, know more of them and the best part is I Whole heartedly Invite them to do guest post. It makes me all happy when the invitation is accepted but yes there R still some refusals too. I have some non blogger foodie frnds too, whom I get recipes from and feature here! The whole concept for me goes about getting connected to each other with a common interest called Food.
Also it happens sometimes by guest post some new bloggers and old bloggers are introduced in a different way to the audience. It is all part and parcel of blogging and I think all of us should enjoy being with each other!

More Merry it becomes when non bloggers msg me asking to feature their recipe! It takes me to cloud9, It is all their love and trust on me, that Im not going to misuse their recipe, pics and details :)

Thank you Bloggers and Non-Bloggers For all the love and support U Give! We shall take this process in long term and get connected to many more foodies as much as we can :)

Today's recipe im sharing is Apple Tea which is winters special
I had seen this post in Swasthi's Indian Food Blog and so much wanted to try out just to see what an apple can make difference to the tea! You can read more details of this Tea provided by the author in given link above! I have tweaked the recipe a little according to my taste. Lets go thru the recipe

Water - 2 cups
Tea leaves - 1/4th tsp
Ginger - Small piece crushed
Pepper corns - 5-6 seeds
Cinnamon - 1 stick medium size
Lemon Juice - As required
Honey/ Sugar - As desired
Apple - Half (grated) and a little pieces sliced out for crushing

- In a tea making pot, take water, tea leaves, ginger, pepper corns and cinnamon, Boil it in medium flame for 5-7 mins.
- Mean while peel and grate the apple.
- Now close the gas flame after 5-7 mins and strain it in a container.
- Add Grated Apple and a piece of crushed apple close the lid of the container.
- Let it sit for 5 mins
- Strain it and serve hot. Add lemon juice and Sugar according to your taste. 

- In original recipe calls for mince apple pieces but I have grated.
- I was not able to detect any taste of apple, I took a small piece of apple and crushed it coarsely added it to the tea for more taste (it worked)
- Cinnamon flavor is detectable.
- You can reheat it lightly, along with grated apples. 
- Original recipe said 3 cups of water but I would suggest always make 1 or 2 small cups and taste it 1st Rather making it more since this tea will be a little different that regular black tea which we take.
- Adjust tea leaves accordingly as u like

This tea was unique in taste. Gave a kind of fulfillment Which curbed my appetite for almost 4-5 hrs.
I enjoyed the drink to the core which was too much refreshing and detectable in taste.
Honestly Best For Chilling Winters!!

Do Try and share your experience 

With Lots Of Love 

Till then Bubye..........................

Sending my recipe to
Cook With Comfort

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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Dahi Murg / Yogurt Chicken

Today With me is a Simple and Delicious Chicken Recipe A Lovely Guest Post By Razina who blogs at RaaaZzzfoodlove

Razina is a lovely blogger around us! She blogs regularly and I know much of her via her fb thats where we get connected and bond more closely to each other, Right? Yes We should agree, coz thats how things work for me :)

Me and Razi never even had a formal chit chat, just commenting on each others posts on fb, so much we get to know about others thoughts and opinion, and the kind of person they are via their words. One thing I always noted is the excitement which came from Razi when she commented in my guest posts in fact all her comments puts in so much positive energy inside me I feel each post should be more better than the last one to receive such comments and keep moving on. Finally I couldnt stop myself from inviting her for a guest post :) And Im so glad she responded positively. Thanks you Razi and Welcome here at Sweets & Spices! 

Lets see What she has to share with us Today :)

Hi all, I'm Razina who blogs at Raaazzzfoodlove. Born in India (North), happily lived in U.A.E. (Middle East) and now thrown back to India (South), where still I'm in the process of settling down even after 5 years of stay here. My taste buds prefer more of the Middle East cuisine but I do not know how to churn them. After 7 years of stunts in the corporate life, I have started performing experiments in the kitchen for the past 1 year. So, I'm pretty novice in cooking and you'll find all the basic recipes plus authentic recipes from UP on my page. RaaaZzzfoodlove was born more out of necessity to keep a record of my daily meal.

When Aara sent me a message on facebook inviting me to do a guest post, I was over joyed as this was the  first time I had received such an invitation. I'm a regular reader of her page as all the recipes that she posts are unique creations and the friendly way that she presents them. The best thing about her blog is the tips and tricks that she mentions after every recipe, I really enjoy reading her entire post till the bottom. Thanks dear for giving me an opportunity to get featured on your space. Hope you will like my recipe....
Dahi Murgh / Yoghurt Chicken

  • Chicken - 1/2 kg
  • Yoghurt - 1/2 cup, whisked
  • Onion - 1 medium, finely sliced
  • Green cardamom -2
  • Cloves -2
  • Cinnamon - 1 inch
  • Dried red chilli - 1, deseeded
  • Ginger garlic paste - 1  1/2 tsp
  • Garam masala powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Black pepper powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Oil
  • In a kadhai, heat oil. Add the green cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and dried red chilli. Saute for few seconds
  • Add onion and fry till it changes to light brown in colour
  • Add the chicken pieces and cook on high flame for 5-7 minutes
  • Add ginger garlic paste and sauté till raw smell disappears
  • Add garam masala powder, coriander powder, red chili powder, black pepper powder, turmeric and salt. Mix once
  • Switch off the flame and add the whisked yoghurt. Mix till it combines well 
  • Now switch on the flame and add 1/2 cup of water. Bring it to one boil
  • Simmer for 30 minutes or till desired consistency is achieved
  • Serve hot with roti or rice!!!
This Looks So So Yummmmmyyyyyy

Thank you Razi for such a wonderful Post! I shall try ur way sometime and let u know how it turned :) Looking Forward for such simple And yummilicious updates from you at  Raaazzzfoodlove


Stay Tuned For more Lovely Articles to come up
Till then Bubye 
Razina & Aara 

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Cook With Comfort

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