Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Simple and Light Salads

Simple and Light Salads

Time Again For Guest Post!!
This special post is from Sarah Hall who loves to write articles. She mailed me long back asking if I can post her article in my blog. And here is wonderful post of her's Sharing some lovely simple and light salads Recipes...

Thank u Sarah Hope to get more posts from you in future :)

Cheese salad with white beans

White beans with cheese have a unique taste. You have

to try to prepare this cheese salad with white beans, which will fit even some festive table. You

will like this little culinary masterpiece.

You will need:

- 100 g of white beans and 100 g of hard cheese

- 1 onion

- 1 spoonful of vegetable oil

- sugar, vinegar, salt and fresh parsley

Preparing. White beans are one of the main ingredients for this salad, so let’s start from it. Soak

it in cold water for 3-4 hours, and then boil it in the same water. Add chopped onion to it, oil,

sugar, salt and some vinegar. Mix everything properly. Sprinkle your salad with a grated cheese

and chopped parsley before giving.

Spicy cabbage salad

This salad in Korean style is a great snack! It will fit

for family dinners if you have not much time and money for preparing something. It is a good

addition for the main dish, because it is very much light. Its preparing doesn’t need many efforts.

In order to prepare it you need:

- 300 g of cabbage or lettuce

- 6-8 leaves of green onion

- 2 cloves of garlic

- olive oil for seasoning

- 5 g of paprika

- 5 g of sugar

- 10-15 milliliter of apple vinegar

- dill, salt and pepper to taste

Preparing. Cut salad or lettuce into short strips, sprinkle with salt and grind it with the help of

hand. After that put it to the separate bowl, sprinkle with vinegar a little and put aside for 15

minutes. Crush garlic with a press, onion leaves chop with knife, mix them together and tamp

it to a homogeneous paste. Mix cabbage with this paste, add sugar, the remains of vinegar, oil

and mix again. Put this salad to a salad bowl and decorate with chopped dill. You can serve it up

right after preparing.

Fresh cabbage and chicken salad

This salad is very much light and dietary, but it is really tasty at the same time. You can include

it in the diet even if you watch weight or if you want to lose a couple of kilograms.


- 350 g of fresh cabbage

- 450 g of chicken meat

- 100 g of cheese

- salt

- crackers

- mayonnaise

Preparing. Chop cabbage; press it by hands, in order to make it softer. Boil chicken and cut it in

dice. Grate hard cheese. Then you have to mix all the ingredients, salt them a little and season it

with mayonnaise. It is also possible to add some garlic for better taste. The last thing to add is the


Salad with shrimps, tomatoes and cucumbers

This is a delicious, dietary salad with vitamins. The main

ingredients are tomatoes, shrimps and cucumbers. Summer is coming and all we want something

fresh and vegetable. This salad is the thing you need.


- 6-8 caridean shrimps

- 1 fresh cucumber

- 1 tomato

- 1 spoonful of lemon juice

- olive oil

- salt, pepper

Preparing process. Boil shrimps, cut into halves or leave them whole. Cucumber should be

sliced (don’t peel it). Tomato has to be sliced too. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper them.

Add a spoonful of lemon juice. Season your salad with the olive oil and mix again.

About the author
Sarah Hall is sure that if a person has enough courage to be successful, nothing can prevent him/her from gaining success. Sarah is fond of writing for blogs and websites, she does it with passion and strong faith in her skills. This is the secret of her wonderful writing talent. Find Sarah on <a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/105017393452918527353?rel=author">Google+</a>|<a href="http://classycustomwriting.com/"> http://classycustomwriting.com/</a>

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  1. Lovely guest post.. welcome back Aara.. :) does Sarah run a blog? cant find any link :(

  2. Wow, love each of the dishes. And gonna try the spicy cabbage salad. Looks and sounds so divine.

  3. lovede all of d salads,yummmy n filling one!!

  4. Nice n healthy varieties of salads.

  5. Healthy salads.Luv to try it :)

  6. Delicious salad ,i never tried with grated cheese


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